Journey of a startup: Day 46

2 min readMar 31, 2023

I hired two people today. One to do some competitive research and another to help me with my website’s SEO. These things take time, so why not start sooner than later? I need to constantly learn and experiment in everything I do. I’m starting with marketing since I can be cost-effective and save time. With this work life, that’s really what it boils down to. How much time can you save or shave for as minimal as possible?!

I feel good about the two people I’m working with so far. At first, I was looking for an all-in-one expert that could do everything and execute on a uniform vision but I realized quickly that I should split up the roles for 3 of reasons.

  1. I can get more done in parallel.
  2. One person is a bottleneck in regard to speed.
  3. I need options.

Since everything is an experiment, I think those points outweighed my need for a uniform vision. I already have the vision, and I just need to be sure my team understands and conveys that vision when it comes to all things. That’s what I interviewed them about. It was simple. Here’s what I have, tell me what you see, and let’s talk about the next steps and timelines. There are 2 types of responses that I bucket messages into. One is the, “I’ve done this before, I know what you need” bucket. The other bucket is, “No evidence, no clue”.

The first bucket is the folks that have passed your first filter and you want to have a conversation with. They’ve done this work before, they’ve seen it, and at least they can speak about it intelligently enough. The second is going to get discarded so it doesn’t matter what you call that bucket since it’s really the “not the other bucket”. So with the bucket that matters, I then slimmed those down that list and selected those I thought could do it all. After exchanging messages with the selected group, each person was able to break things down so simply and elegantly, that I wanted that same vibe for my messaging. It’s welcoming and not insulting. Sure, maybe they sold me, but I know what I’m asking for and what I should receive. You have to be real to yourself about that. Since each person claimed to do it all, I decided to split the roles up for the reasons said above and called it a day. Now, while I sleep, the wheels are still spinning. It’s like downloading mp3s over dial-up. You better hope you disabled call-waiting cuz you want that new playlist for when you wake up and go to work.

I’m excited. I’m learning. I’m experimenting. Maybe I am cut out for it.

