Journey of a startup: Day 70–90

2 min readJun 15, 2023

It’s been a minute since I’ve posted and when I came back to write this, I saw I had one day’s story drafted already, Day 69, which was nice because I have been head’s down for 20 days and lost track of what my last update was about. My 2nd brain was a great reference for backtracking. I’m still using it and it’s a nice place to jot notes, whether I want to use them later or not.

I’ve been elbows-deep in app development. I’m two weeks behind my UI/UX designer’s work. A sprint, basically. I’ve been enjoying this work, a lot. Thanks to the similarities between a design in Figma and Flutter, it hasn’t been too much of a challenge implementing his designs. I have been working all over the place in the app so not one flow is quite finished. I need to take inventory of each screen and then finish them one at a time. Immediately QA it on my phone until the next dev cycle. In the 20 days, the app has undergone a huge facelift while maintaining most of my already existing functionality. Things are coming together since I started my plan.

I’m about 45 days away from a launch. That means my marketing expert will need to start building my content, ramping up my social media, and start fine-tuning for SEO. 30 days for all that work, leaving us with 15 days til launch.

My teaser video is in production and that should be ready around the same time, so I’ll hit the world with that, along with a new website as I attract a new audience. Then soon after, I’ll release the app and see what the early folks think about it.

The goal is to launch this MVP so that the people who have been asking me about it can finally use something nice. Especially the early adopters.

